I have some insight into this because this claim is about my company Fivetran:
“…relies on the data source being able to seek backwards on its changelog. But Postgres throws changelogs away once they're consumed, so the Postgres data source can't support this operation”
Dan’s understanding is incorrect, Postgres logical replication allows each consumer to maintain a bookmark in the WAL, and it will retain the WAL until you acknowledge receipt of a portion and advance the bookmark. Evidently, he tried our product briefly, had an issue or thought he had an issue, investigated the issue briefly and came to the conclusion that he understood the technology better than people who have spent years working on it.
Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely possible for the experts to be wrong and one smart guy to be right. But at least part of what’s going on in this post is an arrogant guy who thinks he knows better than everyone, coming to snap conclusions that other people’s work is broken.
This post is so interesting to me, esp. the build-vs-buy spectrum.
As Dan notes, a lot of software is just...not very good. It either isn't upfront with flaws (as in the case of the Postgres -> Snowflake tool), has too much scope, or is abstracted poorly. Finding things to buy/use (as in the case of open source) can often eat a lot more time than you anticipate.
I've been dipping my toes into the JS ecosystem, and I keep bumping into the fact that using mentally cheap signals of quality (such as stars or DL counts) almost never indicates the quality of the thing itself. Winners seem to be randomly chosen, almost! The only way to assess is to read the code and try integrating it in.
I'd go farther to argue that the larger an ecosystem/market is, the more untrustworthy it behaves as a whole, simply due to the size, and the types of people attracted to it who want to get influence/money. See also: appliances that everyone needs.
For me, what this post illustrates most is the cost of information. By making hasty decisions, buyers are trading present time that might be spent shopping and comparing with future time spent struggling with the wrong product. They're discounting future time. But they're also doing something very rational -- they're making a decision to see what happens. That is, they're testing a hypothesis in the only way the market allows them to. Because people are bad at predicting their own future needs and behavior, and products are bundles of features whose importance is often unknown until you have to use them in high-dimensional futures. So buying is an empirical test.
Unfortunately, most consumers, recruiters and sometimes hiring managers are in a position of information assymetry vis a vis the people selling them something. That is, consumers rely on the self-reporting of vendors which purport to be experts.
it's worse than that: nobody knows! how are we supposed to know if all the investment vendor A made in "reliability" of their appliance will actually work, or if it was just spent wastefully? And oops: past results don't reflect future outcomes, so you can't even really bank on a brand or a reputation: who knows if they just cut all Q/A staff? Welcome to entropy my friends!
Entropy would be an upgrade since it would be indifferent to human concerns and manageable by statistics.
In contrast, product information invites people crafting lies for an advantage.
Most of “the people selling something” have little to no credibility, so their words have no value beyond a very low bar.
It would be different if it’s someone e.g. very high up at a F500 selling something, even with a huge information asymmetry, because it’s still possible to bank on their credibility. (Assuming they offer sufficiently many guarantees signed by sufficiently many people.)
Why is it different with a F500?
I could think of reasons both in favor and against, but I'm curious about your rationale.
Because of the credibility attached to the organization that’s then offered as part of the written signed guarantees…
When there’s little to no credibility to offer, such as when a newly hired intern is selling it, then of course it’s no different.
I never even look at stars. I hardly have any on my work, and that's fine with me. My stuff is of extremely high Quality, because I use it, myself. I'd actually prefer as few others as possible, use it, because then I'm Responsible to ensure that it works for them, and I can't just go in and do whatever I want.
I also use almost no software that has been written by others. I use two or three external dependencies, in my work. Two PHP ones, and one Swift one. All are ones that I could write, myself, if they got hit by a bus, but they do a great job on it, and, as long as they remain bus-free, I'm happy to use their stuff.
The one exception is an app that I just released, using SwiftUI. I needed an admin tool that displays simple bar charts of app usage data. I was going to write my own UIKit bar chart widget, but SwiftUI has a fairly effective library, so I figured I'd use it, and see how SwiftUI is doing, irt shipping apps.
I think that I'll avoid using SwiftUI for a while longer. It's still not ready, but it has come a long way, since my first abortive attempts at using it. The app works, but I did some customization, like pinch-to-zoom, and that's where SwiftUI kicks you in the 'nads. As long as you stay in your lane, things are sick easy, but start driving on the shoulder, and you are in for some misery.
And that's the biggest problem with relying on someone else's code. They usually punish you for any "off-label" use. Apple has always been like that, but they usually let you get away with it. I go "off-label" all the time, because I don't want my apps to look like Apple Settings App panels. SwiftUI doesn't suffer deviance at all. Just adding pinch-to-zoom was a bit of a misery (but I got it going, after several days of banging my head, and it now works fine). Some frameworks and libraries won't let you deviate at all. You can't have any pudding, if you don't eat yer meat.
>I've been dipping my toes into the JS ecosystem, and I keep bumping into the fact that using mentally cheap signals of quality (such as stars or DL counts) almost never indicates the quality of the thing itself. Winners seem to be randomly chosen, almost! The only way to assess is to read the code and try integrating it in.
I wish morep people understood the "Kardashian effect" as I like to call it -- the most popular thing is only most popular because it was already popular. I think in almost everything in my life and in every domain, #2 or #3 is better-suited (for my preferences and needs).
A year or two ago on HN I read a short blog post about omitting the word "best" from internet searches and being more specific in your criteria (e.g. "car with best resale value" instead of "best car"), and it has made my life and way of thinking a lot better
> I think in almost everything in my life and in every domain, #2 or #3 is better-suited (for my preferences and needs).
I like to explore alternatives to the most popular choice, but more often than not I end up back at the #1 consensus choice.
I have some friends who simply must pick the #2 or #3 choice in every domain. They always have an elaborate justification for why it’s better. From my point of view it seems driven by contrarianism.
Some times they pick some interesting alternatives that I explore. Most of the time they end up with also-ran purchases that die off. I joke that my one friend is the best predictor of impending product line cancellation that I know. He used a Zune when everyone went iPod. He went Windows Phone when iPhone and Android were front runners. He event eschewed Instagram for some other platform that he was sure was going to win the social media wars, but was actually so unnoteworthy that I can’t even remember the name right now.
Called the Harbinger Effect
You really don't want these people as customers:the same group of consumers has an outsized tendency to purchase all kinds of failed products, time after time, flop after flop
https://news.mit.edu/2015/harbinger-failure-consumers-unpopu...In a key part of the study, the researchers studied consumers whose purchases flop at least 50 percent of the time, and saw pronounced effects when these harbingers of failure buy products. When the percentage of total sales of a product accounted for by these consumers increases from 25 to 50 percent, the probability of success for that product decreases by 31 percent. And when the harbingers buy a product at least three times, it’s really bad news: The probability of success for that product drops 56 percent
My life, growing up, was: lockblox (v legos), construx (v meccano), vectrex (v nintendo), macintosh (in 1985!), etc. My dad is epically contrarian.
> I like to explore alternatives to the most popular choice, but more often than not I end up back at the #1 consensus choice.
Popularity is only a decent proxy for consensus if people actually look at the other options. I've been burned by trusting this metric more times than I can count.
I might be one of these people. I don't have to pick #2 or #3, but I will give them a thorough reviewing as I will critically for #1. Sometimes I just want something different for the sake of it, but I want it to at least do the job reasonably well. Something about a fork in the road and taking the one less travelled by...
Since that can often mean extra effort/support, I won't recommend such things to others. I'll try to pick something that will be the least trouble for them.
Fascinating observation, and now that you point it out I know several people like this. It's like they are pathologically contrarian consumers. Then they often complain about the suboptimal situations they get themselves into.
Not to say that every #1 popular item is always the best, but definitely a lot more than never.
[TL;DR: Hindsight is 20/20, but if you did a good job with your requirements and you had good information about if a product meets each one, then it doesn't always matter that other products which didn't meet the requirements as completely eventually win out.]
I may be one of these types, but at least in many of my cases, I don't really know that it mattered in the end?
Maybe after a review I pick something that didn't win in the long term or even eventually exited the market because it wasn't popular enough. But, my requirements are almost never strictly that it's popular. What I end up with does typically do the job very well for the time I have it, and after few years the requirements may change or the need may go away completely. If one of my requirements is that a device is built with metal instead of plastic, maybe I never have to replace it.
Another example: Your friend had a Zune, but then I'm guessing they moved on to a phone, [because phones eventually] became better music players. If the Zune did all the things they wanted while they had it, especially if they had a unique need, maybe were happy with it. (Although, that isn't necessarily always the case.)
This doesn't seem quite as applicable for selecting software, though. Popularity often is part of what I look at there, because I want to know dependencies won't need replacing and support will be available. Additionally, you can potentially work with the developers so the selection iterates and grows into your requirements.
See also "Harbingers of Failure":
> I think in almost everything in my life and in every domain, #2 or #3 is better-suited (for my preferences and needs).
Depending on the domain, there's a good chance #1 may also be a sponsored result.
> "Kardashian effect" as I like to call it
Alternatively, the Mickey Mouse effect.
The stars is the issues solved to issues open ratio.
It makes me really appreciate tools that DO work. Things like: the Linux kernel, Vim, PostgreSQL, the Golang compiler, etc. Interestingly, the aforementioned tools come from different ecosystems, and levels of financial backing, but all of them have been reliable tools for me for many years, all are complex, and yes... they all have bugs, but of acceptable severity and manageability.
For me the most interesting case is HeidiSQL. I find it easily the most useful SQL GUI client, but it crashes pretty frequently, but not frequently enough for me to stop using it over the alternatives.
I often wondered how to strike the balance right on these things, since apparently all options can lead to success.
Might depend on the quality of crashes. Losing hours or days of work would quickly sour me. HP RGS crashes, twice or thrice daily are just 'meh' - reconnect and nothing - but 15 seconds and typing auth tokens - is lost - maybe 'flow' but I've become resilient there.
I have thought many times about building a shrine to Postgres in my apartment.
I've seen this same problem with many so-called low-code/no-code application creation tools (e.g. Betty Blocks). In their quest to cover every use case, they cover none of them well, forcing compromises and creating more real-code work for the actual application developers whose systems have to be accessed by these tools.
It would have been quicker and cheaper if the company just hired more actual developers to integrate properly with existing systems (and resulted in more featureful, less buggy applications), but the prospect of paying lower salaries for less qualified people to do the same end result (as promised by the slopware vendors) seems to be a siren song of sorts to management.
You're missing the point of low-code/no-code solutions. Those are intended to sold to executives who don't actually understand software, as proven by a prior history of buying other crap software. Whether it actually works or saves any money is irrelevant.
Many of the best engineers that I have worked with over the years have a discerning constitution which seems to innately allow them to identify high quality software, which is essentially a matter of taste.
The problem is that this disposition is not the norm for a technician, which is why I tend to prefer hiring and training engineers that are artistic, creative, and obsessive.
I once thought the same thing. Over time I realized those engineers weren’t necessarily good at picking the right thing up front. They were good at making it work despite any deficiencies.
> Winners seem to be randomly chosen, almost!
Winners are mostly chosen by effort put into marketing, not product quality.
My utterly cynical take is that the way to win with software is to put as much money and effort into marketing and sales as possible and as little as possible into the actual product. Especially B2B seems to do this a lot in practice because that software is bought based on checklist items and demos by salespeople.
You're starting to realize why eng is a cost center.
The goal of the business it to make money, not make a great product.
They will make the product better if and only if it will lead to greater profits.
If you can make more money hiring more sales and marketing people to sell a broken product than hiring more engineers to fix the product, you're going to hire more sales and marketing people.
I don't think this is a cynical take. I think it is the rational take. Anyone not doing this is going to be outcompeted by those who are.
I also like that we try to build 'ratings' sites that end up being coopted as yet another ad sales vector.
Larry Ellison has that cynical take too, and it made him rich.
It's a balancing act. You may or may not agree that Oracle products are a good value but they generally have some good engineering behind them. Oracle also puts a ton of money into sales and marketing.
Have definitely someone say, "well I tried Drizzle because the creators are good at shitposting on X."
I do not understand that at all, but maybe my reality is just substantially less mediated by "the conversation" that I don't get it. (Drizzle is fine BTW)
I think that's actually not unusual or even wildly unreasonable shopping behavior in a market where:
1. Many if not most "customers" (JS devs) don't understand how to evaluate quality deeply (thus, quality signals aren't trustworthy, making evaluation more difficult and resulting in further acceptance of using unevaluated products)
2. There's an overwhelming number of choices, with deprecation, replacement, and eclipsing all being fairly common - potentially even year-to-year
You kinda just have to try stuff out and work with what you've got.
What I translate that to is: "Drizzle is top of mind for me". If they tried Drizzle and it was shit, they would likely look for something else.
Winners are chosen because they tend to solve a problem easily for the average person. 99% of people don't care if it's written in rust or has the proper abstractions. It's, "I need to do X" and the winner does X easily. People here are very out of touch.
It's a little worse than that. Given two products that seem to do the same job on paper, the one with glossier marketing will win even if it is an unreliable pile of crap in practice.
Counter-example: all the people that were using CentOS 6/7 instead of RHEL. Not that Red Hat did tons of marketing, but it was more than zero.
Not a fair example because one was free and the other came with a monetary cost and a lot of friction in addition to that.
People weren't choosing CentOS on technical merit. CentOS had glossier marketing than RHEL did.
One was free
RE: stars and DL counts, I'd say the best measure is checking the creator's other repos, their number of followers and the issue churn rate. Stars can be useful but only as a very rough process of elimination.
If the project appears to have several active contributors that would be good too.
I'm a star inflater and I feel a little bad about it. AFAIK GitHub does not have a good "bookmark" mechanism besides stars. So when I come across an interesting/useful project I'll start it to be able to find it later. My browser bookmarks have become a bit of a black hole where URLs go to get lost.
So hopefully I didn't bookmark a project someone else is trying to judge the quality of based on stars. Who knows how much technical debt or damage I've caused because GitHub doesn't have a bookmark feature that isn't gamified.
I've found the best way to evaluate the quality of npm libraries is to use Snyk analyzer https://snyk.io/advisor/check/npm
The JS community has no sense of quality. The community doesn't value things that are well abstracted or work well. I dread every moment I have to work in JS because everything is so badly done.
A lot of people blame the JavaScript language itself but, the longer I'm around in the world of web development, the more I think that the quality of JavaScript applications is dictated by the economics of said applications.
Off the top of my head, the best software I use seems to fall into two categories:
- Closed source software that requires buying a license to use
- Open source software that is specifically made for developers and promises to do one job well
Whatever falls in the middle of those two categories tends to suffer, in my experience.
If you think about it, web based software tend not to fit neatly into either category. Most of them are the following:
- Closed source but are either too cheap or are free
- Open source but promises to do way too many things, and also too cheap or free (describes a lot of frameworks and design tools)
Web technology and JavaScript became the dumpster slut of software ecosystems. The end users are not given a big enough reason to pay for them adequately or at all, product owners care little about quality and reliability because it's way too easy to get a zillion low quality users to look at ads, and the barrier of entry for new JavaScript programmers is so low that it's full of people who never think philosophically about how code should be written.
> Web technology and JavaScript became the dumpster slut of software ecosystems.
I think an additional problem with the JavaScript ecosystem specifically is external resources are extremely easy to access and their cost is usually borne by end user resources. Therefore they're too tempting for many developers to avoid. Unfortunately the runtime environment of the end user rarely matches that of the developers and seemingly "cheap" resource access at development/test time isn't cheap for the end user.
JavaScript is happy to pull in some library hosted on some third party service at runtime. For the developer/tester this ends up cached by the browser and/or at the edge of the CDN. A developer may also have topologically close CDN endpoints. This inspires them to pull willy nilly from third party libraries because to them they're cheap to access and they save time writing some utility function.
The same goes for CSS, APIs, or media resources. With JavaScript the delivery is a client issue and costs can be pushed entirely onto the client. If pulling in an external resource(s) costs a developer non-trivial money to store and serve they'll put more effort into tree shaking or other delivery optimizations. They may omit it entirely.
I think this massively contributes to the LEGO piece construction of a lot of web apps. It also contributes to performance robbing things like tag managers that insert a bunch of incongruent plug-ins only at runtime from an unbounded number of sources.
I agree that many Frontend libraries are pretty intimidating to step into if you don't have a background in it.
Don't agree that JS community is bad, it is the largest community of any language by far, and it has the most money invested into it by a huge margin. There is a lot of trash but there is some seriously good stuff, and you can find 10+ packages trying to do pretty much anything you can think of.
Do all the high quality folks just leave the JS community beyond a certain threshold?
JavaScript has the unfortunate situation of having years upon years of terrible standard library design, leading to people building lots of small libraries on top of those libraries to get things that were basic functionality in other languages.
Then people started stacking more and more things on top of those libraries, creating a giant dependency morass of microdependencies that larger frameworks are now build on top of. And because all these frameworks do things just different enough from each other, every larger library that a dev would want to integrate with those frameworks now needs a specialized version to work with those frameworks.
In most languages, if you want to know how something works, you can usually dig into your dependency tree and by the time you hit the stdlib's optimization spaghetti/language internals, you'll probably have figured out what's causing your snag/what the library is expecting out of you. In JavaScript, you hit the dependency morass and have to give up. Most competent devs then decide to pick another language.
You can write very legible JavaScript these days, even without a framework, but it looks nothing like JavaScript used in a framework.
The other language I know of with this issue is, ironically, Rust.
Please explain the rust angle?
Similar "lots of microdependencies" issue, born in Rusts case from the desire to keep a conservatively sized standard library. It's a smaller problem in the sense that Rust has stronger API contracts as opposed to the absolute disaster that NodeJS is, but in terms of code comprehension you hit a similar dependency morass.
The one thing salvaging Rust for now is a lack of similar frameworks, but who knows how long that will last.
The implication is that Rust's conservatism regarding what is blessed to go into the standard library sets up a similar dynamic.
Or start making their own stuff and ignoring most of the community.
After a couple of years of doing this, you've built up a backlog of your own, bespoke library code that makes you into a wizard. People are amazed at what you can do and perplexed with how little time it takes you to do it.
Nobody else can understand how it's built, but for some reason that's not their problem? It's not like they're taking the time to understand how React is built, either. But as soon as you do something on your own, whoooa buddy. Cowboy programmer alert. It's not good engineering if it's a single, coherent, vertically integrated system. It's only good engineering if it's a mishmash of half-solutions teetering on top of each other.
You are about 4 years behind the curve, everyone uses JS Frameworks that bundle most of the libraries you will need for general dev together now.
I don't understand why people get so up in arms over npm modules, as if you could stand up code that does the same things in another language without having to manage dependencies.
Rubygems does an excellent job of this.
Because most of the stuff in NPM sucks. I'm not going to keep going back to a store that has sold me nothing but shit so far just on your promise that somewhere, buried deep in the back, is a not-turd.
So you never work in teams with other people again?
This feels like a knee-jeek false dichotomy. But in a sense, it's kind of right. I didn't work in teams anymore. I manage them.
I still do a lot of programming. And I expect my developers to be competent enough to read other people's code and figure out how it works, what it does, how to use it, based on the tests and plenty of extant examples.
I don't want developers who can only be productive in libraries that everyone else's is using/posting YouTube tutorials on/feeding LLM training corpus'.
The problem with adopting other people's software is that you have to make it work for your purposes, all while accepting it was only ever originally designed for their purposes. And if that's open source and you contribute to it, then you have to make sure all your changes don't break other people's work.
But with my own libraries, I can break anything I want. I have, like, 5 projects using them. It's not a big deal to discover an architectural problem and completely refactor it away to a newer, better design, propagating the change to all the others that use it in fairly short order.
And I don't have to argue with anyone about it. I can just do it and get the work done and prove it was the right thing to do long before any Github PR would ever get out of review.
It's more that the low-quality people are way more numerous than otherwise.
For example, in the 2000s and 2010s, javascript had the lowest barrier to entry by far thanks to browser dev tools, so a lot of what you saw was people with no prior experience teaching people with no prior experience. These people are still around, and while plenty have improved, they still form the basis of modern javascript practice.
This is exactly it. There is probably some bad embedded C floating around, but the barrier to entry is higher and thusly that world seems to be a lot more rigorous than the JS flavor of the day.
Or the person you're replying to is overly generalizing a very large diverse community after extrapolating a few bad experiences.
No but the variance is very high
> markets enforce efficiency, so it's not possible that a company can have some major inefficiency and survive
This just seems totally false on its face. If you've worked at the big guys you know they aren't magically smarter, they do very inefficient things frequently.
It's so intuitively false that I'd have to wonder about someone who thinks it's true.
It comes from an economic theory. The problem is that people who say that kind of thing ignore one of the basic assumptions of that theory: that all actors have all the necessary information to make the best choice (and also that they act "rationally"). The problem is that it is very rarely possible to obtain that information, and even if it is possible it might take a lot of time and effort.
It can be helpful to think of the Econ 101/homo economicus view of the world as something more akin to a secular religion.
And I don't mean that in a particularly bad way; most religions package a bunch of useful concepts (e.g., the golden rule) with some stuff that isn't literally true but does serve social and emotional needs in ways that the useful stuff gets passed down through the generations. As scholar Huston Smith put it, religion gives spirituality historical traction.
The notion that markets can drive efficiency is a valuable insight. But people for whom Econ 101 acts as a religion have a really hard time noticing when that effect gets swamped. This is pretty easy to spot these days because you'll find nominally pro-market people cheering oligopolies and monopolies, or getting upset at regulations that make markets more efficient. One easy test is how they feel about sustained high profits. To people who value markets for their ability to drive improvements through competition, that's a sign of something wrong, like insufficient price competition.
Lately I've been wondering if the efficient market hypothesis was actually more true a century ago than it is now.
Not because anything fundamental has changed about economics, but because baselines have shifted to the point that what we expect an efficient market to look like may be very different from what what people expected it to look like in the early 20th century. So, basically, people's definition of "efficient" has subtly changed.
A century or so ago market economies hadn't caught on to the same extent. In the 1950s you had Khrushchev coming to visit Iowa to learn about US agricultural productivity. He visited family farms, talked to people about how they did things, and then went back home to tell the USSR's farmers that they needed to plant corn everywhere, including in places where the climate is not even remotely suitable for growing corn. All this time talking to family farmers about how they make their own decisions about the best use of their own land, and he somehow still failed to pick up on the idea that maybe the secret ingredient in the sauce was that the USA generally let farmers run their own farms.
Sure, the USA's capitalist economy still had charlatans, including agricultural charlatans, and wasteful fads for bad ideas, rent-seeking behavior, pork barrel politics, etc. But maybe it was still easy to see that situation as efficient at the time, because one's reference for comparison included being able to see the greater amount of damage that a planned economy allowed a charlatan like Lysenko to do from his position of power within the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
I think the hypothesis was more true in the past, but mostly because both the necessary dependencies it is based on are less true today than in the past, and the products and services are more complex today.
Back when anybody could start building furniture the cost of entry was low and competition high. Switching costs were also low.
The cost of entry for a smartphone which is truly different are astronomical, many previously unregulated products are now strictly regulated, so costs of entry is no longer low and therefore competition is also low. For many services like software switching costs are very high. Firms need to be large to produce the complex products which introduces internal inefficiencies which are hard to avoid.
I think it absolutely was. Even 50+ years ago there was far more competition in any number of industries and investors looking at a particular widget maker could compare numerous companies and analyze the operations and strategy of each before picking which one(s) to invest in. Today we assume EMH when competition has become increasingly rare... so everyone from consumers to investors have fewer options yet somehow efficiency is supposed to exist.
Today most just pile into the megacaps and generally assume 'these guys are the biggest... they must be the best.' Sure, there's a small window of competition in the VC world where money piles into non-public companies for a few years before a winner is selected (often having nothing to do with having the best product/service or even being the most efficient or profitable... it's all about who scaled to the finish line the fastest) and either becomes the 800lb gorilla or gets gobbled up by one.
hard to evaluate sustained high profits without context. is it due to continued innovation by the firm? or just rent seeking? both can be causes of profits but we should only be promoting one of those models
Sure, although I think it gets easier as time goes on; there a are lot of innovative people out there. But my point here is more about the reaction to it. If people say, "Well they're making lots of money, so they must be great innovators, great managers, and generally virtuous", then that's basically a religious answer. People who see markets as tools for efficiency will say, "Look at those sustained high profits. Is it really that nobody has figured out how to compete with them yet? Or are they misusing their market power or wealth in ways that limit competition?"
> One easy test is how they feel about sustained high profits. To people who value markets for their ability to drive improvements through competition, that's a sign of something wrong, like insufficient price competition.
We'd need more context. Those sustained profits are "money on the table". There may be real advantages to the company earning them, like sustained innovation or other quality, that others have trouble competing with. But if those profits are coincident with lots of lobbying and various shenanigans (controversially maybe including patents and copyright)... you'll get more sympathy.
Agreed, but as I mention elsewhere, my point is more about people react to the sustained high profits before they have the context: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42432352
That’s a brilliant take!
Econ 101 is the first semester of a multi year degree. By necessity it focuses on idealistic concepts. Nothing wrong with that—of course N-order effects, psychology, and information disparity, etc need to be taken into account in the real world.
Without this understanding one ends up in such a debate.
The problem is that so many people who only take Econ 101 seem to believe their understanding is analogous to understanding the physics of reality by learning Newton's laws and equations of motion.
But it isn't. Econ 101 is more analogous to Aristotelian physics, full of outright falsehoods, self-contradictions, things that sound right but have no basis in reality, and an abject failure and unwillingness to test anything and change your mind once you've seen contradictory results.
So you have millions upon millions shouting "regulation bad" with nary a whiff of systemic understanding.
Econ 101 is terrible.
Spot on!
Funnily, I think this is also true of most traditional religions. I have known a variety of thoughtful and sincere religious people over the years. They have studied extensively and deeply engaged with the human meaning of the words. But I've also met a lot of very shallowly religious people, either because they haven't bothered or because they work energetically to maintain a narrow take because it's socially or economically useful to them.
And of course there's an intersection in what I've heard called the "Supply Side Jesus" view.
Relevant joke:
Two economists are walking down the street. One of them sees a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk. Just before he picks it up, his colleague says, "There's no money there. If there was, someone else would have picked it up already." Both agree this is the only rational conclusion and walk away.
This is usually the correct conclusion:
Think about what it means to be a major inefficiency.
There's going to be some level of friction in the market that competitors must overcome to gain ground on you. If you're a factory, the friction is the cost of the factory plus the opportunity cost of the money used to build it. So any inefficiency less than that is effectively a safe level of inefficiency. Roughly.
We might be developers onsode large corporations witnessing insane amounts of inefficiency, but what are the costs of that next to its actual effect on the business in terms of its ability to fight competitors? Usually relatively small.
"It's so intuitively false that I'd have to wonder about someone who thinks it's true."
This is a wonderful encapsulation. Thank you.
It’s true to an extent, you just need a high threshold for “major.”
First, you have to remember to adjust for company size. You might see some obvious inefficiency that costs millions of dollars, but when the company has twelve figures in annual revenue, that’s insignificant.
We all know (probably work at) some company that tries to save money by skimping on hardware for their developers. Some simple upgrades would probably pay for themselves in a few weeks in increased productivity. But what’s the cost, maybe 10% in developer productivity? That’s a lot, but it’s probably not close to make-or-break.
It’s definitely true at the extreme, and it’s a major difference between government programs and private enterprise: a business can’t go on losing money forever.
In less extreme situations, it’ll be true when the cost of the inefficiency exceeds the company’s moat. Oracle can afford to be tremendously inefficient since they have a certain segment of the enterprise database market so locked up. But if they push it too far, they’ll get eaten alive by some upstart.
I think that most of the people arguing the position do so in bad faith.
They know it's an oversimplification to the point of absurdity, but they want to bog their opponents down in explaining why it's an absurdity, and/or catch them in a minor lack of rigor which can be used to refute every other point they've made, and/or be able to retort with red-baiting along the lines of "why don't you believe markets work? Are you a commie?" It's about controlling the topic of conversation, rather than coming to a mutual understanding about the way the world works.
Efficient markets enforce efficiency. The trouble is that purely efficient markets are very much a spherical cow—they're useful for modeling reality in some simple simulations, but they miss an awful lot of detail and that can lead to very bad conclusions if you take them too seriously.
This goes along with the common advice that all models are wrong, but some are useful.
It's easy to see the bad stuff. The good stuff just disappears into the background. So, it's probably mostly true that major inefficiencies in products/services get arbed away.
It's sort of like the efficient market hypothesis in the stock market - spend enough time in it and you'll see the vast majority of the time the vast majority of stocks are not mispriced to any meaningful level. But it stands out like crazy when you see one and you remember it.
Religious dogma says X and you observe not-X. It’s easier to build up elaborate theories to explain your observation than to question your dogma (see epicycles, politics, etc)
Yeah, there are counter examples everywhere. Actually I think they are way more than the positive examples (like SpaceX), so the world is definitely very, very inefficient. This can be felt by software engineers more acutely because we move fast and hate bureaucracies but sadly humans have to install bureaucracy for itself.
SpaceX is basically a monopoly at this point. They defined a new kind of market and is the only one serving it.
Yeah, they were pretty efficient so they were rewarded with monopoly. Now maybe they will become slower and slower over time.
Let's not valorize zero profits. Be suspect of high rates of profit. Why invest if there's no profit?
Theories are marketed too.
For some reason this makes me think about cooking stock. Like the liquid you use to make gravy, soups, sauces, etc. most people I know will use either a box or jar of stock or a bouillon cube. There’s nothing wrong with this. It will produce a satisfactory meal. However you can easily make stock if you cook for yourself. Simply take all the parts of vegetables and meats you would throw away (think bones and onion paper) and cover it with water in a pot and add salt and pepper if you want and boil for an hour or so. You can do it while you cook other stuff. This stock can be frozen for later. But also, it’s obviously better than the stuff from a jar or a cube. Maybe it’s because you put some effort into it, maybe it’s because there’s a complexity to all the flavors that’s removed by industrialization. But it’s a stock that works very well. And I think it’s simply it requires time. Time we often think we don’t have. Perhaps this is all an unrelated thought but I do recommend that if you enjoy cooking at home making your own stock.
I've been thinking about good design lately. Things have to work well, but life is so much better when they are also beautiful. I think Don Norman's essay Emotion and Design started me down this path.
The Conan OBrien and Jordan Schlansky podcast talked about this in the context of nose hair trimmers. It was very funny, but it really resonated with me too. Schlansky starts with:
> I believe that we can live minimally. But the products that I do buy, I want them to be of a very high quality. I want them to have something special about them, and then I have to buy fewer products going forward because they last longer.
A little later he says:
> We define ourselves by the objects we interact with every day. I surround myself with beauty, with high levels of aesthetic pleasure, and it's not only putting on beautiful clothes. It's also using a beautiful nose hair trimmer.
I'm going to get a trimmer, so I want a thoughtfully designed and well made version of that. This has been my mission around my home since the start of the COVID pandemic. Upgrade all the little things around my home that annoy me or that would make my day a little bit better if they were upgraded.
Intriguing. Does there exist some website that contains curated examples of such things? I realize that my living space is bereft of beauty, and I already struggle to find “thoughtfully designed and aesthetically pleasing” objects. For instance, I’ve held off on buying quality kitchenware for nearly a decade now due to a paradoxical combination of too many choices and lack of discoverability.
If this kind of thing interests you, you might also like John Dewey's Art as Experience. It is among Paul Rand's favorite books, but be warned it is quite dense!
Thanks for the recommendation. Looks very interesting. I added it to my to-read list.
I often find there’s a connection between a thing being aesthetically beautiful and good functioning as well. It’s not a universal signal - cheap knock-off manufacturing makes it hard to tell from pictures - but often I find a genuinely beautiful object, one in which the design displays clear attention to detail, exhibits that same attention to detail in the use.
Again, it’s not a universal signal, but good, and particularly well-executed design, can often be a signal the maker put the same attention to detail into how the device works and its internals.
This is why companies put crap in fancy shells.
> I'm going to get a trimmer, so I want a thoughtfully designed and well made version of that.
Human fingers. Just pull the nose hairs out.
> I'm going to get a trimmer, so I want a thoughtfully designed and well made version of that. This has been my mission around my home since the start of the COVID pandemic. Upgrade all the little things around my home that annoy me or that would make my day a little bit better if they were upgraded.
The problem I have is that many things don't have a well made or thoughtfully designed version. They just have a more expensive version.
There's nothing more disappoint then spending good money on a "quality" product only to have it fall apart as fast or faster than a cheap version.
For a lot of fields the answer is much simpler. The buyer is simply not equipped to evaluate it at all.
eg I bet north of 50% of people judge their tax accountants by the size of refund not technical and legal accuracy. But they’re still liable so accuracy is an important measure of „good“
Same with say dentist. If he says he needs to do procedure x what am I going to do except ask some layman questions. Or doctor. Even trades often seem simple but have significant accumulated practical learnings that are not obvious to laymen.
It’s tempting to boil everything down to an optimization question & just finding the right metrics, especially for those STEM minded but often that’s not how reality works
This is where the value of a second or third opinion can become apparent.
Particularly interesting that quality seems to be dropping in an age where reviews are easier to find than ever.
But there has always been an inherent conflict of interest in the place selling the wares (e.g. Amazon) also being the place hosting the reviews. Similarly for AirBNB - it cannot tolerate all of its own hosts being 2 stars.
The world has become a very complex place. Every single thing from houses to cars to medical services is provided by a team of people with years of training in some esoteric field.
Buyers are going to have a difficult time, and it can only continue to get worse.
Yeah, We don't really have the knowledge to ask intelligent questions. I did take some accounting classes so I can have some intelligent discussion with my accountant, but the regulation changes every year so it's difficult to keep up. Even if the accountant misses something, that's quite possible.
I mean, two of my previous companies messed up with payroll and many thousands were impacted.
> Same with say dentist.
Now you're dealing with a person, not a product. And in that case you have to follow your intuition, your gut feeling, regarding whether this individual is somebody to trust. There is no way around this.
2022, per https://x.com/danluu/status/1503512394126938120
I wish Dan would put dates on his posts!
The front page (danluu.com) has MM/YY on every post, at least.
I figure Dan would be an ISO-8601 guy.
I’ve gained a reputation as a sort of hipster for using YYYY-MM-DD for all dates I record, even outside of computing.
This is a thought-provoking essay by Dan Luu, whose essays I always find thought-provoking.
I'm surprised Dan didn't make the connection that the webs of mistrust between fiefdoms that form inside organizations as they grow are... Nash equilibria.[a]
Organizational webs of mistrust are nothing more than complicated versions of the Prisoner's Dilemma.[b]
Unless you have a CEO actively enforcing trust and collaboration, different fiefdoms naturally evolve behaviors that ensure they can survive and thrive in the face of possible betrayal by any other untrustworthy fiefdoms in the organization. We see similar behavior in natural ecosystems, which tend to evolve toward suboptimal equilibria that is robust to betrayal between groups, instead of global optima that requires perpetual honesty between them.[c] In many settings, robustness against betrayal is an evolutionary advantage.
His stuff is usually quite interesting, but in dire need of an editor. I often get lost in the details and tangents of the piece and lose the point.
Maybe. I'm not so sure. My take is, he's trying to be thorough.
The lack the formatting sometimes makes his posts feel like a wall of uninterrupted text.
When reading his stuff, I find it helpful to put my browser in "reader" mode, which narrows text width.
People with large swathes of equity in a company want people with near zero equity to act like they will be getting C-level rich off of their wage/salary if the company's business plan hits.
Founders are not desperate for talent. They are desperate for labor will shoulder vastly unequal labor for vastly underpaid compensation.
Capital always pushes for slaves. Labor can only push for using their smart phone during their bathroom break and not giving a shit about the final product as its success does not offer labor truly valued compensation.
Minimum wage is a thing but maximum wage is not in a civilization run by capital.
I am so interested in this submission (based on the title), but that's such a big wall of text, even the LOTR trilogy looks more manageable
If you have read it, do you regret the time you spent on it? Just trying to get some "goodreads" reviews, with or without spoilers, before committing to it...
Part of the challenge is how wide his text column is. It makes the lines hard to scan; your eye can't fall on a line just once or twice to scan it, but must keep falling, which makes the text feel more tedious. Easily fixed by narrowing the browser window, of course.
Or using the reader mode.
I enlarged the font :)
Often, it's the little things. Particularly with excellence. While I might be amenable to the tenets of this kind of stream-of-conciousness, this is the kind of guy I might enjoy lunch with but I'd never want to work on a team with him.
It’s just a difference in taste I think - I for one love this style of writing and the longer the wall of text the better
Agreed - the edge-to-edge text can seem daunting and be a bit of a pain to read, depending on your display. I used reader mode to make it a bit more managable. Also worth noting the last ~30% of the page is two appendixes.
I think the article is worth a read, but doesn't necessarily introduce a new concept. Its basically stating that there are many broken products that you can buy, and they simply do not work. Typical wisdom says you should buy something you're not specifically good at building, or something that you're not "supposed to" build yourself because you specialize in something else. This article basically says that wisdom can be wrong and that there is value in building yourself. There are some good examples, but its definitely a position that you'd have to push to management at some companies because its a very bottom up position that many managers would not agree with.
>I am so interested in this submission (based on the title), but that's such a big wall of text, even the LOTR trilogy looks more manageable
I came here before clicking the link and was all set to be like "just read it" but it really does seem designed to be as unreadable as possible, both the layout and colors and the writing itself. I'm sure he's probably writing for an existing audience, but even the writing doesn't seem to be design to draw the reader in or be particularly accessible for people who aren't already primed to read it.
Yes it's worth it. Dan Luu has always been worth to read whenever I read it.
But I get it. I too have the Instagram disease and balk at long walls of text. It's just that we do need to fight that...
It's not the "Instagram disease", the page is completely unstyled and unsuited for reading. Even after using Firefox's Reader mode, the paragraphs are too dense. Some people are great writers but could benefit from a designer or editor.
> Even after using Firefox's Reader mode, the paragraphs are too dense.
If you want to argue about other aspects of his writing style, fine. But those are normal-sized paragraphs. Scrolling through in reader mode, I saw maybe a couple paragraphs that stuck out as "too long to be a paragraph," and even those are only ~5 sentences (so maybe some of his sentences are too long?)
Social media has people thinking a paragraph can only be two sentences. At a certain point, you're basically just putting a line break after every sentence.
> Social media has people thinking a paragraph can only be two sentences.
That is a straw man and extremification. Paragraphs can be longer than two sentences. Formatting is important, however, and some of Luu's paragraphs are hard to parse. You may not notice this, or you just power through it, but if you study enough design and user experience principles then you start to feel when interacting with a medium takes more energy from you than it should.
Better paragraph formatting makes you a better writer. You get better at slicing your communication into individual ideas, serving them one at a time at the reader's own pace. Your thoughts become less coupled, more clear and compact, and flow better from one to the next.
It's also just important to consider that the reader needs anchor points to avoid fatigue, and we can achieve that with minimal styling and well-formatted text.
Luu does not consider that his blog post is not read in isolation. It is part of a stack of information that a reader may consume each day, each communication inefficiency slowly adding up until the reader experiences significant cognitive drain and measurable fatigue. I also had to resize my window to discover the best width for me. I settled on the width of my cell phone, about the only platform this blog post looks readable on natively. And then, I had to resize it back my normal width to interact with hacker news and every other website on the internet. All of that adds friction and fatigue to the consumption process.
I barely engage with any social media at all. I don't have Facebook, I don't post on Instagram, Twitter, or anything else. I stick to intimate online conversations and places like hacker news where there is real, meaningful, longform discussion. Your assumption about the nature of my critique is off-base and frankly unnecessary.
Hacker News is a form of social media, regardless of whether you consider it "real, meaningful, longform discussion" as compared to other platforms.
"If you study enough design and user experience principles then you start to feel" is not quantified enough, imo. Your initial critique was that the paragraphs were "too dense," but we've established it's not necessarily that they're too long. Perhaps if you'd give an example of how you'd fix some of the paragraphs, I'd understand your concern better.
I was not defending the formatting of the page at all (that's a strawman itself). Looking at the original page in non-Reader mode, it seems like adding graphics every few paragraphs so it's not a literal wall of text would increase readability, as an alternative to making the paragraphs themselves less "dense." I'm not sure what supporting graphics would be on-topic, though, aside from maybe screenshots of some of the cited sources.
> Hacker News is a form of social media, regardless of whether you consider it "real, meaningful, longform discussion" as compared to other platforms.
I mentioned that I barely engage with the majority of the space, that doesn't have any bearing on the classification of hacker news. Though it also clearly shows the limits of "social media" as a useful descriptor.
> I was not defending the formatting of the page at all (that's a strawman itself)
I was referring to basic text formatting regarding line-breaks, and was not insinuating that you made any defense against formatting in general, I apologize if that was unclear.
You're probably right about graphics, though I understand not all writers want to deal with graphical elements. Sensible line breaks still go a long way.
Friction and fatigue in the consumption process are not necessarily a bad thing
> You get better at slicing your communication into individual ideas, serving them one at a time at the reader's own pace. Your thoughts become less coupled, more clear and compact, and flow better from one to the next.
... and you end up with your average self improvement book.
The page being unstyled is a plus, not a minus in my eyes. Far more pleasant to read than all the sites which restrict text width to a tiny column.
Decades of user interface research and design disagree with you. A handful of inline CSS rules would immediately make the content far more accessible and scannable across multiple platforms.
I am a huge proponent of minimalism. But minimalism doesn't mean doing nothing. It means doing a lot with a little.
I disagree that it is unsuited for reading. My fav authors have paragraphs that span multiple pages- this is low calorie fare compared.
It really just depends what you are used to reading
Those familiar with the site know it’s intentional to deliver content efficiently to a wide audience.
You can’t read a long paragraph in reader mode?
Bad styling is intentional to deliver the content to a wider audience?
You don’t recognize default HTML appearance?
I do, and it's not the default HTML appearance but the default style of how your browser chooses to show unstyled HTML.
Just because it's the default doesn't mean it's suitable for reading and it was never thought of being that.
How exactly does unstyled HTML cater to a wider audience? That's just a non sequitur.
Because it is a smaller download, is faster to render, easier for accessibility tools, and is more likely to work in readers and browsers of all kinds.
Yeah, a single `body { max-width: 50em }` is not going to change any of that, and actually makes it more accessible to a wider audience. The entire point of typography and formatting is to make text more accessible. Lack of layout is the antithesis of that.
Then there's the separate issue of overlong paragraphs, which is simply a sign of poor writing (again making the text less accessible), unless you're trying to argue that the use of fewer <p> tags makes the page faster to load and render?
Now, I do wish that browsers had saner default styles, so one wouldn't need even that single line of CSS, but that's not the world we live in, and for whatever backwards-compatibility reason we're stuck with how things were in 1995.
Now you’re agreeing with the main idea but you wish the default was more to your preference. Read his own words about this here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39731878
I don’t understand though. Times new Roman and clones of it are very readable fonts. It just doesn’t look like short form marketing material.
> body { max-width: 50em }
I have this 16:9 screen. I'd like to use all of it, thanks.
It doesn’t work well on anything where you can’t manage the window width. My eyes have to travel too far to read the content, slowing me down.
Luu could achieve his goals while still adding basic things like padding, margins and better structuring of his paragraphs.
Absolutism on either side of this debate is purely ideological and does little to serve the user the best possible experience.
I am user who thinks I’m getting a better experience, so I think his main point is right - you are expressing your preference with the voice of the general user, and moderation.
"Better" is subjective and debating such a vague generality will get us nowhere.
Instead, I will focus on more objectively measurable aspects such as flexibility and ergonomics. You may be getting the most flexible reading experience, but you are getting the most ergonomic reading experience. You also have to put in up-front work to get a better experience, or rely on tools like Reader mode.
If that's what you prefer, that's fine. If you weren't aware, in most browsers you can access the menu bar and navigate to "View -> Page Style", and set it to "No Style".
Then you're free to add whatever styles you'd like on top. Meanwhile, the casual, less technical, non-designer user can still engage with the content in an accessible and easily parseable manner.
I don't know that the problem is short attention span. Poor communication has always been with us. I am sure Luu has compelling insights—what I was able to get through seemed interesting—but he is a poor communicator. It's not just that he presents a wall of text; his wording and his approach to communication tell me that he thinks if he just gets his thoughts recorded, that's enough. It is not enough.
It might not be enough for you, but maybe you're not the target audience. His blog is quite popular so clearly it's enough for a lot of folks.
What is "good" communication depends on the social context of the communication, the audience, etc. A novel probably shouldn't be written in the same style as a project status update document. IMO one of the downsides of people in our modern education system being drilled on the "one true way" of communicating for a small handful of contexts (position paper essays, tactical business memos) is that they begin to think that is the only way to communicate ever in any context to any audience and forget that different people have different tastes and in a lot of contexts catering to your audience's taste is what matters.
True but if this is just the extent of he can do, maybe it's better that he did it than if he didn't bother to put his thoughts on paper at all.
I'm sure you'd say it's a distinction without a difference but clearly it resonates with someone and those people are able to summarize his ideas or reframe them for a broader audience.
Yeah it reads as completely unedited. Needs another pass.
I'm really curious what makes you say feel that way, if you can put it into words?
I think his style is quite particular (I think I would compare it to patio11 a little bit?), and I understand it not being everyone's cup of tea; but one thing I don't think I would ever say it feels unedited.
To me, it feels _very_ edited — yes, there are occasional sentences with five sub-clauses in them, but they all feel very _deliberate_, and serve a particular stylistic goal.
>I think his style is quite particular (I think I would compare it to patio11 a little bit?)
I find them quite different, patio11 is good about introducing a topic and easing you into, even if it's something you might not be initially interested in. Luu's writing isn't inviting at all. I'm sure it appeals to folks already familiar with his work, but there is nothing to draw in a new or not particularly interested reader.
For me two things jump out:
Giant paragraphs (hard for the eyes to keep focus).
Sparse amount of headers (contributes to the flow and easier to scan, to see if it's something I'm interested in).
For me it's not the text but the (lack of) formatting, like it's best viewed on a 640x480 screen from the 90's.
And if that's the goal, there's some very simple ways to achieve that wither through CSS or even just plain HTML.
>But I get it. I too have the Instagram disease and balk at long walls of text. It's just that we do need to fight that...
It's not even that, Dan's design decisions for the page make it actively annoying to read and that's before you even consider the writing decisions he's made. Presumably he's writing for an existing audience and feels no need to ease you into the material, but that's a huge turn off for folks coming from sites like this that aren't already primed to read it.
This subject is interesting to me, sorry for the rant.
Writers could try to split up their work to better appeal to an audience that does quick scans, then reads where it matters.
This article may be great, but there’s not even any section headings, so I’m not able to gauge my own interest.
In our era where there is so much content to consume and where so much of it is just hot garbage or advertising, I don’t want to spend time deeply reading everything in hopes that I care about it.
I need to be able to asses that at a glance, then dive in if I deem it meaningful enough.
Writers should probably change their style to accommodate their audience (if they care about really wide reach)
Speculating here but I'd say a big part of the reason Dan Luu has as big a reach as he has is that he isn't the kind of writer who'll change his style to accommodate the audience that just wants to do a quick scan.
> so much content to consume
Well, I'd say part of the problem is you think of yourself as a content consumer. How things are called can be important.
Writers could try to split up their work to better appeal to an audience that does quick scans, then reads where it matters.
That was one of the original visions behind hypertext - that it would not only link documents together, but provide a way to summarize the content at varying levels of detail, allowing up-down traversal rather than just lateral links. MIP mapping for text, basically.
We're starting to see a bit of a revival of that idea, where language models generate summaries at the paragraph level that readers can either browse quickly or use as a jumping-off point into the underlying original content. This page seems like a good application for that.
I respect committing to zero formatting but just one "max-width: 600px" would make this so much easier to read.
I opened the devtools to narrow the page.
Given how much more aggravation I go through getting lots of sites that _do_ have formatting to contort into a shape I find comfortable to read, I found it hard to mind much.
It's not long. Excluding the footnotes, it's ~5000 words, a 10-20 minute read.
Complex ideas are inherently hard to read. If you shy away from anything that's complex, you're just limiting yourself to consuming only the most simplistic thought.
Case in point: the LotR trilogy is an absurdly low bar for manageability. Literally millions of people have read those books. There are certainly different levels of comprehension, but I'd venture most people who read these books were able to at least follow the plot well enough to be entertained by it. I read them when I was maybe 12, and that's not me claiming to be some sort of prodigy--they are very easy to read. If that level of reading is unapproachable to you, I would suggest that's a problem with you that you would benefit from working on.
The original link is a bit dry but otherwise not a challenging read.
Dan's website is the only one where I have to use Safari's Reader mode
this dude's MO is long ass essays
I've read about 50% and really like it so far.
Also, limiting width and centering text from JS console greatly improved the readability:
$('main').style.width = '600px'; $('main').style.margin = '0 auto';
Yep, a Stylus stylesheet like this turns his site from unusable into pleasant:
``` main { width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; } ```
upvotes tell you that people find it useful. we have ai now to effectively summarize the text if you want to avoid reading the whole thing.
this is a solved problem
Firefox Reader mode makes it much nicer to read. The quality of the actual article is somewhat "meh", passed the time but nothing surprising or that interesting.
I usually reduce the width of my browser window, but reader mode is a great idea too. I like the minimal aesthetic, but text width is so important to readability that danluu really should add a max width.
It's quite good, I used my browser's "Reader Mode" to be able to read it though.
I can't read it because he made the website unreadable. Kind of interesting considering his subject matter.
It's on the front page with a little over 100 votes. Up votes are basically saying it's worth it...
If it wasn't worth reading it wouldn't have been up voted
Reader mode.
I mean, yes? It certainly beats reading social media posts and outlines particular instantiations of a cultural blindspot.
AI-summarize that shit!
Only skimmed it...but yeah, not worth reading. Unless you're one of today's 10K, it's mostly obvious stuff. And if there's any real structure or "big picture" to the article, I couldn't spot it.
It's interesting. But it rambles and doesn't draw any actionable conclusions, beyond "Sometimes it's a good idea to be annoying and push back if you think things are going in a bad direction."
Essentially he's talking about enshittification, but he doesn't break down the core issue - which is that US corporate culture is authoritarian and narcissistic. So the true underlying motivation in many interactions is assertion of superiority for sellers, and the creation of an illusion of superiority for buyers.
Both are entirely orthogonal to objective quality.
As a crazy fast reader I liked it but now that I think about it, problems with product quality were a major preoccupation of the 1970s. There is a triangle between
in that these all stem from the same root and the proportion in which they manifest depend on the system (e.g. in Soviet Russia they could legislate prices but couldn't legislate availability of products) It was the decade of Ralph Nader. Seeinflation <-> poor quality <-> shortages
A few themes could be broken out, not least "mongo sucks" (I never worked at a company that didn't trust the database they used at all until I worked at one that used mongo) and a meditation on "buy" vs "build" that leans heavily towards build. (When I hear the word "integration" I reach for my keyboard and code up a 15-line python script while management is on hold waiting to hear what the "call us" price is)
> When I hear the word "integration" I reach for my keyword and code up a 15-line python script while management is on hold waiting to hear what the "call us" price is
Stop doing that. Management wants someone to blame when things go wrong. Don't be that one for no extra compensation.
Ralph Nader is a saint and democrats need to ask why 200K democrats stayed home in Florida in 2000, not why Nader got 3%…
You could dump it into an LLM and ask for a summary.
FWIW I ran LLama 3.3 70B locally for fun, which took about 50 minutes thanks to not having a Mac nor several 4090s, and it gave me this:
The essay argues that the efficient markets hypothesis, which states that markets enforce efficiency and eliminate inefficiencies, is not always true in practice. The author provides numerous examples from various industries, including tech, shipping, and accounting, where companies and individuals have struggled to find reliable and high-quality products or services due to information asymmetry and market failures.
The essay suggests that this is often due to cultural norms and expectations that prioritize short-term gains over long-term quality and reliability. As a result, companies may be forced to "build" rather than "buy" solutions in order to get what they need, which can be costly and inefficient. However, the author also notes that building instead of buying is not a panacea, and that dysfunctional teams and organizations can still produce poor products.
Ultimately, the essay argues that trust, both within and between companies, is essential for creating efficient and effective markets, and that cultural norms and expectations play a significant role in shaping market outcomes.
You should do a substack "Shorter Dan Luu"
From reading the comments here, you'd do well.
I gave it to gemini 2 and asked for a bullet point summary. People don't like this, but it got me through meat of the article in 2 minutes.
It's because buying things allows you to see the price of the thing, which means that will be the first and last thing you evaluate: quality is radically harder to quantify, so we resort to evaluating on the thing that comes in an easy quantity. Sellers are thus always incentivized to figure out how to make the price low, since basically all other factors can't be rigorously evaluated until after the sale...
Things that work well are hard to identify, it takes time and effort. Worse, companies are constantly changing products (either they stop making models or change the way they are made) so even if you successfully identify one thing the knowledge will rapidly become obsolete. So rapidly that you'll often not even have an opportunity to reuse that knowledge a single time.
One thing not mentioned, but I've seen time and time again, is if you buy something, you buy what you think you need/want. You make a decision and live with it.
But if you build it, you can learn that what you wanted wasn't what you thought you needed, and the build can adapt and change to meet that actual need. A bought item/tool will do what it is designed to do, and can sometimes be shoehorned into what you needed, but often what you needed wasn't what you thought you needed.
> Talking purely abstractly, it's hard to settle the debate,
Hm, the mistake in the abstract is pretty obvious and is acknowledge in the theoretical discussions of all the "perfect efficiencies" theories - real life is never perfect! So sure, at the superficial/cocktail party level, you'll always have a lot of folks ignoring the obvious and repeating this silly mistakes. But then it's just as easy to do the same when looking at the specifics. I mean, the original example came from defending a specific obvious error?
It's also not hard to find flaws in the specifics: like with the air conditioner friend "missing expertise", you don't need to have any expertise to look for such a directly measurable (even wihout instruments) stuff such as noise level! I mean, your friend could've gone and listened to different units working if this information is not covered anywhere online.
Even though the fundamental issue of the challenge to find relevant reliable information is indeed very hard, there are so many force working against a poor guy at any level of actual expertise of said guy (so the post is right on the money here)!
I have reached the age (40+) and I need much fewer than I thought I'd need. I think the best way to reduce the number of lower quality buys is just to buy less, way less, while keep a large amount of $$ float in the market. Yes the CAD or USD also de-value in time but IMO they devalue a lot slower than most of the products on the market.
And when I buy I only buy second hand stuffs with a deep discount. I'm glad that a used workstation lives for 2+ years (in fact, all of my second handed workstations live for 2+ years for just $500 and less).
The other advantage to buying used is you avoid cradle-death along with the discount. Then, if it works great, you might consider buying that one new when the time comes.
Yeah exactly. Although personally I'd be hesitant to buy a completely new Dell 32GB mobile workstation :P $Wifie is going to hate me. But I do need one with > 16GB because I will need to emulate some OS.
Physician, heal thyself
This page is almost impossible to read at default browser settings. A couple of lines of CSS would go a long way to make the site work well.
We need a system based on verifiable proofs that will help the society to streamline selection of long running working products that will push the businesses to optimize their processes and fight for the economy share. Long working products will signal that producers can not just sell the same inferior products and reap profits. As a cause-effect it will make available many elements of the society to explore new economic models and embark on a journey in search of their application. And since everyone wants to keep consuming it will give a healthy economically-based incentive for the majority of the population to start producing tangible value.
I'm very much into buying things that work well... to me the trick is to ruthlessly research what actually works well, and not be biased by what is new or more expensive. Most often these end up being older, cheaper, things built with a simple timeless design and no extra complexity that leads to unreliability.
Some examples:
Maytag 575 commercial grade residential washer and dryer
1980-early 90s Mercedes W124 or W201 diesels
1980s Volvos (mentioned in article)
IBM Model M keyboard
Military/commercial security marketed heavy nylon and wool clothing
Vintage Yamaha solid state electrical devices (or anything 1970s ish with real hardwood cases, and discrete components you can test and replace)
1970s professional grade Pioneer studio monitor headphones (e.g. Monitor 10s, etc.)
I've often had people accuse me of being a 'hipster' into vintage stuff that is impractical because of the aesthetic. In such cases I usually could not convince them that I just had what worked best- I didn't care about the age or aesthetic, but some good stuff happens to be old.
For services, companies, and products I recommend reading every 1 star review you can before choosing. For actual good stuff, the 1 star reviews will all be petty: they got what they paid for and it was perfect but are mad or confused about something else, or they just had random bad luck. I keep forgetting to do this, and everytime I have an awful experience, someone else had it before me and warned everyone but I didn't remember to look.
Another big benefit of these older devices is customizability and repairability. I am working to refurbish an MPC1000 right now (drum machine) and the fact that it is repairable at all was a big factor in choosing to sell a newer, nicer device in favor of an older one that wasn't fully working.
Not everything can be treated that way, like a phone or a laptop I would prefer to be no more than 5 years old. But so many things don't need to be terribly modern in order to work well.
> The good accountants are typically somewhat expensive, but they're generally not charging the highest rates and only a small percentage of somewhat expensive accountants are good.
This is an interesting observation that I see a lot of value in. Not everyone is money-driven in the same way, and there's a lot of talent that is willing to turn down additional money or additional work because they are happy enough. They have reached a local maxima, and while there may be other maxima, those are not guaranteed, and going for them could result in overall loss.
I thought this was the most interesting point in the article:
People often think that having a high degree of internal distrust is inevitable as a company scales, but people I've talked to who were in upper management or fairly close to the top of Intel and Google said that the companies had an extended time period where leadership enforced trustworthiness and that stamping out dishonesty and "bad politics" was a major reason the company was so successful, under Andy Grove and Eric Schmidt, respectively. When the person at the top changed and a new person who didn't enforce honesty came in, the standard cultural norms that you see at the upper levels of most bi
One thing I’ll say is that I’ve _never_ seen a company properly understand a product, properly staff a product they purchase, or spend much time ensuring that their product is properly configured. But despite this, companies are shocked over and over again when the services or softwares they purchase do not live up to expectations.
Oh, the appendix part is such a poignant description of the US society. It is perfectly acceptable to be enriched at someone's cost because they should have known better
If it's not both parties benefitting from a transaction then let's name it straight - it's a scam.
Shopping without researching goes hand in hand with a fool and his money. For the typical consumer, visiting consumerreports.com and picking one of their top recommendations would solve a majority of these problems.
How different does that work out from just taking the first few results in the storefront or from a generic product search?
The problem is the esoteric domain knowledge that things like consumerreports doesn't catch - for example, the way they rank cars has lots to do with minor problems detected after buying a new one, but most people just want to know "if I buy this, will it just work without thought for ten years" and that's much harder to know without waiting ten years.
And with things like toilets you may get them ranked based on how well they flush golf balls (even though nobody shits golfballs, if you do you have other problems).
And plumbers might rank them on installability, ease of repair, etc, when all you want is one that works and keeps working and doesn't ever back up. https://terrylove.com/crtoilet.htm has to be read with an eye to that.
The main thing that review searching and research can find is things to avoid - it's much harder to have it find things you should seek out.
The thing is, how do you know which research is good or not? Is trusting a website good enough? I really doubt. BTW I do agree that we need to do some research beforehand, but with a lot of products it's difficult or impossible.
The same way it's always been known: brand reputation and personal experience. Good examples are NFTs and cryptocoins. They have earned their online reputations as jokes and exotic investments. If I offered you a job that paid in NFTs and bonuses in spicecoins, you would be a complete fool to accept it.
Fools aren't the only one buying without research, else advertising and marketing wouldn't exisit. The average consumer's inability to fairly compare products is key in the current economy.
Core properties of well functioning markets is information symmetry and transparency. I don't think this describes a lot of consumer goods. Even consumers who want to do their research will find that there isn't enough information available.
Personally, I feel the responsibility of government in a capitalist system, is ensuring the free market is actually a free market. I'd love it if there was a government agency charged with improving the above mentioned problem of information asymmetry and lacking transparency. For example, when I buy a fridge I'm happy to spend more now, if it means I spend less over the lifetime of the item, but determining the cost per year for every fridge on the market is a huge task for an individual.
The average life of a consumer good anymore is sometimes measured in months. By the time you know the compressor on a particular fridge model is junk that model is no longer sold.
I have found with the exception of very expensive brands, 20k dollar fridges etc. they are all junk and paying more just gets you useless features like wifi connectivity or a tablet in the door that will be part of a botnet in 3 months.
> where the notice falsely indicates that the person wasn't home and correctly indicates that, to get the package, the person has to go to some pick-up location to get the package.
Didn't know this was a universal experience with package delivery and the post office. I always thought it was just my national postal service that does this.
Once you realize that a metric the employee is tracked on is "on time delivery" and he has a button he can press that makes it report he did it right, you realize the incentives.
It starts by slipping a bit, and then more and more ...
Amazon et al are fighting back by requiring a photo on delivery now, but that has it's own limitations.
>Amazon et al are fighting back by requiring a photo on delivery now
And yet they are perfectly happy for that "photo of delivery" to be a picture of the box still in the truck.
They aren't fighting back. Fighting back would be removing the negative incentives that encourage drivers to fake metrics.
A lot of it comes down to the attitude that product quality (at least when it comes to a product's longevity aspect) is less and less valued because the low quality alternatives became so cheap. Or, as someone put it here once: "I don't want to have to think really hard about which trivial household item I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'd rather pick a random cheap one and then not feel too bad about replacing it, if necessary." It seems the negative externalities of this trend are not effectively priced at the moment.
I feel exactly the opposite. It's somewhat ironic as well, because socially I have and have had a reputation as someone who is both 'gadget obsessed' and 'bougie', but I don't think you can really be both. I have much much less 'stuff' than almost anyone I know, but almost everything I own I spent at least a few months researching before buying it and I plan to keep it as long as possible (and repair it if possible when it breaks). As a tech guy, the most obvious place this exists is in my desk setup, which currently (laptop and USB chargers not included) has an average age of around 5 years for everything on it. The oldest item I acquired 12 years ago and have no intention to ever replace if possible. The newest item was acquired as part of a move 2 years ago and pulls the average down.
It's a constant struggle though, because even when I find something of high quality (recently pants and shirts), this doesn't prevent the company from discontinuing the product or changing it. I've had to since switch pants and shirts, and rotate my wardrobe because of button and zipper failures on a brand I previously relied on heavily and recommended to others. They likely made this choice as a company to cut materials costs to not move their price point, but I would have happily absorbed a 20-30% price increase to maintain quality and not need to spend another 3 months figuring out which pants to start buying. Instead, they've lost a customer entirely that previously directed them additional customers. I wish consistency of quality was more of a thing, so even when you find something you always have to keep an eye on it.
I swear a lot of people buy the cheapest thing knowing it won't last because they are addicted to shopping
Fabian Giesen's name jumped out at me on the page, not sure why but that was pretty surprising to me (he's normally writing about compression / graphics / maths).
A massive unmentioned bullet point in this rant is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence
Stuff is literally designed to stop working while also being financially unrealistic to even salvage and sell for parts.
I'm not sure that belongs as a bullet point in an article about things working well. A lot of products built with planned obsolescence in mind work very well, until they don't.
Planned obsolescence is usually taken as a "bad thing" but it isn't necessarily - when considered as "there's no reason to spend money on making a part of this outlast the useful lifespan of the whole."
A cruise missile doesn't need to fix a bug that can only occur months after it has detonated, after all.
The real problem comes from the manufacturer's idea of "useful lifespan" and the customer's. For most people, an appliance's useful lifespan is "as long as it keeps working" and they don't care to ever upgrade it if it doesn't fail. Manufacturer's aren't incentivized to make those, however, and only accidentally do so (something designed to last 10 years is likely to last much longer on average).
I think what you call the 'real problem' is what people mean by planned obsolescence. It does not refer to any sort of tradeoffs, its specifically used to refer to times when the manufacturer sets their useful lifespan lower than the customer would want, and lower than the optimal price/lifespan ratio, so as to force more sales
For many products I think it's incorrect to say they're designed to stop working after a maximum duration. That would be a very expensive thing to actually design and implement. You can test a component and understand its MTBF but it's much harder to design a "die after X days" without explicitly putting in way fuses that a burnt after some counter expires.
Instead it's more accurate to realize things are made to survive at least a minimum period of time. Components get engineered such their MTBF is longer than some mandated warranty period.
While it seems like only a semantic difference I've found thinking this way really helps me price things. If you look at an item and assume it's been engineered to have a MTBF just a bit longer than its warranty/support period you can calculate its amortized price, including an evaluation of extended warranties or service contracts.
This is instead of assuming I can buy something and it will last a decade. If something lasts me longer than my estimate that's awesome and I'll likely favor that brand on my next purchase.
This is nice , and a valuable way to take agency. But it does suck when the cost to manufacturer something that lasts 2x longer would be much less than 2x the price, but such things don't exist because of market incentives.
By definition most things will be average. You just have to look around to see, for example, poorly designed websites that don't have even a minimum of CSS that would greatly improve readability. That's fine for most things. Most websites don't need to have great design, even if improving the design would be a trivial exercise.
Only a few industries are power law industries, where only the best dominate, but even in those industries there are different definitions of what "best" is. Take entertainment, for example. It's a power law market. Taylor Swift and K-pop band de jure make magnitudes more money than the tenth or hundredth best artist. Yet there are people who have never listened to either but will queue around the block for the latest Aphex Twin release. Similarly in written work, if you adopt a particular style, such as aesthetic of an unstyled web site, there are certain people that will resonate with (in this case, people who started using the Internet in the 90s or 2000s) and they will perhaps appreciate your work more for it.
Earlier notable thread in 2022, 518 comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30679935
The title could use a [2022], as that seems the year it was originally posted.
This is not just about information asymmetry. If you want to do something well, you have to find someone that truly cares about doing it well. Price is almost irrelevant, in fact, it may actually be a negative signal, because the best performers are often not motivated by money alone.
> So, in Korea, there's some service like Amazon where you can order an item and, an hour or two later, you'll hear a knock at your door. When you get to the door, you'll see an unlabeled box or bag and the item is in the unlabeled container. If you want to return the item, you "tell" the app that you want to return the item, put it back into its container, put it in front of your door, and they'll take it back. After seeing this shipping setup, which is wildly different from what you see in the U.S., he asked someone "how is it possible that they don't lose track of which box is which?". The answer he got was, "why would they lose track of which box is which?". His other stories have a similar feel, where he describes something quite alien, asks a local how things can work in this alien way, who can't imagine things working any other way and response with "why would X not work?"
This gem near the end of the article ties in with Marc Andreeson’s quote at the beginning of the article. The fact that he thinks hiring can’t be more efficient sounds to me like typical American head-in-sand insular thinking. He’s stuck in a cognitive frame, and in a particular system where people can’t imagine doing things differently, because they simply haven’t seen anything else. Try living somewhere else for an extended period of time, and you’ll realize that a lot of things you didn’t even think about could actually be better. The author gives the example of deliveries in Korea. I say the same about many things in Eastern Europe, including deliveries, payment systems, and just everyday services like dentists - a LOT of things work better than they do in the West, not because of monetary incentives, but because things are simply done differently here, and some things are done better.
>a LOT of things work better than they do in the West, not because of monetary incentives, but because things are simply done differently here, and some things are done better.
I'm not totally convinced though, because a lot of times when you investigate these "simply works better" claims, it's because the end users, either through culture or training, have been taught to accept bad service and not complain about it, which glosses over a lot of the real problems with some of these systems that we're told work better.
I'm directly comparing my personal experience as a consumer who grew up in Canada and then moved to Eastern Europe. There's a lot of stuff I didn't imagine could possibly "work better" but they do.
What are some examples you've personally experienced to work better?
Furniture. Instead of buying fixed mass-SKU items from IKEA or Amazon, it is common to order custom-made furniture in Ukraine. I once ordered an office table in Ukraine on Rozetka (Ukraine's version of Amazon) and was surprised when the seller reached out and asked me what height I want it, at no additional cost.
Dentists. For 10% of the cost you get the same (or usually better) service. I've been doing regular dental cleaning since I was a child.
Delivery. Ukraine's delivery service Nova Poshta Shopping in Ukraine allows me to order from almost anywhere in the world, including Amazon in the USA (they have shipping addresses and warehouses all over the world). I recently ordered a spare part in the US and a book in the UK from different sellers in those countries, and both items reached me within 10 days in Ukraine at less than the cost of shipping within the original country. Much better the poor experience of international shipping in the US and Canada.
Also another cool thing when ordering online in Ukraine is that the post office allows you try and return things in the post office itself. So you can order second-hand items on a market like eBay/Craigslist and you don't need to trust the seller. You can open the box, test to see if it the thing works, and send it back to seller if it's not to your satisfaction -- the post office itself takes escrow of the item for a minimal cost, and transfers money to the seller only if you got to try the item and are satisfied with it. This means you can easily buy second hand stuff online without organizing local meetup or needing to trust the seller.
ATMs. You can withdraw cash from most bank ATMs without even having a bank card on you, just by scanning a QR-code from your phone using the banking app.
Identity theft protection. All major dealings in the bank in Ukraine are photo-id'ed, i.e. the teller takes a picture of you when you make a request on your account. This really helps against identity theft, as a person with all your details would also have to fake your appearance to be able to open a mortgage or get credit.
> every social media company has kernel expertise as a core competency
It gets even more interesting when you're someone like Google who has both search and Android. There's a case for having two kernel teams so server teams aren't directly competing with mobile teams for resources.
Market for lemons. Read it, explains everything.
Reading this, I realized a reason why I try to move as much of my computing life into Emacs as possible: because having full control over a, perhaps inferior, Elisp application does result in a better experience, as I have full control over everything.
At times I would think that my motive to do this was purely superficial (for fun, masochism, idealistic purity, etc.), but perhaps the software world is such a market for lemons that the best one can do is put all the watermELons they can get ahold of in their Emacs cart and go their way.
Why is it so hard to format text that is readable well?
Reading it on UHD monitor is almost impossible with full width of paragraphs.
The first thing I did when I loaded this page was add 3 css rules (margin, line height, font size). Like I get purity, but c'mon.
Does this long-winded article manage to say anything more interesting than "maybe markets aren't actually 100% efficient, just like cows aren't actually spherical and of uniform density"?
there were a few good points at the bottom, but it could have all been summarized in a tweet
Because people like Mark Andreeson only care about money. That guy is a one trick pony who just has money and part of the problem. He’s a pump and dump bozo no better than some banker on Wall Street
tl;dr information asymmetry. Didn't read the entire text, just skimmed through.
I think fundamentally the reason behind info asymmetry in our day and age is that products and services have become so much more complex that there's simply no time to independently assess the qualities such as reliability, durability, and a myriad of other variables in each particular case.
I think it's the complexity that is becoming our enemy number one, and too many variables when choosing a product as a consequence of that. Is the air conditioner too noisy? Does it require a WiFi connection and even a mobile app to function? People may omit some of these things even in their Amazon reviews.
And then some of the insanely complex products like mobile phones are practically impossible to evaluate objectively. I once stumbled upon an article that explains why Android requires roughly 2x RAM and a slightly larger battery compared to an equivalent iPhone in order to have the same efficiency and performance, supported by some benchmarks (blame garbage collector I guess?). How many technical people or experts are even aware of this?
My process of purchasing stuff comes down to two principles: (1) devices that Apple makes are generally OK to buy, they are less likely to disappoint; (2) for everything else: research, read reviews; the time spent on a product is proportionate to the price of the product.
Reply: things don't work well for the same reason this very post is so hard to read wall of text.
I find it deeply ironic that the author can't even produce readable text, while complaining about other, much more complex tasks not working.
The author refuses to take minimal, common-sense measures to make the text more readable.
No, the reason is because there are different tradeoffs, and things that work well often trade off other things.
For instance, Dan is one of the best writers for illustrating a general point with dozens of rapid fire small examples. This gives the point credibility in a way that a writer who might craft an easier-to-digest narrative doesn't have, but can be tiresome for those don't like the style.
On the other hand, you can set read mode, and because the page is so basic, it works perfectly...
It's not a wall of text, it's a line of text.
Although it is marked up according to HTML guidelines.
Technically speaking that's why it also qualifies as a single line of HTML.
Similar to a single line (per paragraph) of plain text which can then be pasted into any email window, for better right-nonjustification than average.
A single line of HTML will justify according to any user's browser default settings, so you always get what you want in that regard. And this one is so generic that it more closely resembles a clearly typewritten page or newspaper column, depending on how wide you size your browser combined with its default font size. Like it's supposed to do.
It's not "quite" a novel, but truly does fit the classic "short-story" layout.
Basically about as close as you get to the most readable professionally typeset classic literature. The only thing missing is the traditional indentation to start each paragraph, but it's worth it to retain universality on the web since tabs are so unreliable in browsers.
There's just a lot there, almost 52kb of useful text content which takes up the vast majority of this huge 58kb web page.
On this page I don't think he is trying to convince people that he is "a man of few words".
With the same readily-available one-line of content though, maybe there is a text connoisseur who is enough of an expert to get it down way below 58kb with far better readability on a wider variety of default browsers too. That's an example I'd like to see.
If a product is straightforward, works well, has no lock-in, then customers don't spend on support or switch to a competitor. So don't make good products. That's the message for most of the SaaS world.
Because most people will buy the $100 thing over the $130 thing even though the $130 thing is better made.
Yes, and then they throw it out 2 years later and buy a new one.
The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.
But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.
— Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms
This trope was a slight exaggeration then and is basically false now. It exists in the modern world mostly to validate purchasing decisions of the middle class.
In an industrial world where most things made in volume are quite cheap relative to incomes quantifiable results per dollar plateau very quickly and beyond that you're mostly for emotion, brand, signaling, etc.
People default to cheap not because they're stupid but because "buy the cheapest thing that will work" delivers very good results when applied to all of one's purchasing. It's the index fund of personal finance. You can do better with specialist knowledge or techniques but that doesn't scale.
Usually true, I agree. But there are a few quality brands. Lexus cars, for example, go forever.
Struggling to name another quality. Maybe some technical/ outdoor clothing brands.
Anybody got any suggestions?
I got 10 years out of my most recent Orvis jacket.
That said, I had in to the tailor a couple of times to clean up some tears in the fabric lining.
I wear that thing every day, 9-10 months out of the year.
That one replaced an earlier Orvis jacket, daily wear (even through one cool-ish summer we had down here in So Cal). The jacket is fine, the cuffs are a bit worn. I could have probably had a tailor trim them with leather and got several more years out of it.
My current jacket is identical to the previous one. I managed to find a "new old stock" version of it.
I really like the jacket (as you can guess). It's a "ranger" style, nylon shell, fabric liner, big pockets on the outside, with hand inserts as well, big pockets on the inside, other little pockets I don't use (what do folks put in those shoulder pockets?), zip up hood, jacket has zipper and buttons and a waist draw tie. It will keep the wet off, but soak through in driving rain, which is rare enough to not be an issue.
If it's really cold, I have another long term jacket from LL Bean, or I could just layer under this thing. The LL Bean jacket has not seen substantial wear like the Orvis one has.
My Jeep Grand Cherokee is over 10 years old, and I'm of the mind to keep it as long as I can get parts for it vs buying a new one at $60-80K. I love this thing. It's in excellent shape. The interior controls are all in great shape. Most anyone can keep a motor running and such, it's the interior comforts that drive folks away and are costly to fix. Mine are good, all the buttons button, knobs knob, etc.
Jeeps are not renowned for their liability ratings, but many Jeep owners keep them for a long time.
Though I did just notice my cargo cover has some rubber that's likely disintegrating (it IS 11 years old...), so I may try to hunt that down and replace it.
Toyota and Subaru are just as reliable yet much cheaper https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-s...
I was going to say, I would really need to see an examination that a Lexus was more cost effective option over a car lifetime vs a Toyota.
You may be interested in Dan Luu's own postings on this theory: https://mastodon.social/@danluu/111068309548746696
I always liked the Boots Theory of Economic Unfairness. Thanks for that!
I find reading his stuff unpleasant, because of the formatting, but the content is usually worth it, so I can switch on Reader Mode.
As far as the subject goes, I used to work for a world-renowned super-high-Quality corporation, and was heavily involved in what it takes to make Really Good Stuff.
It is painful. I think most people here (anywhere, really) would refuse to work that way. It takes almost military Discipline.
But the end result is usually really good, and expensive. That little bit of extra Quality actually adds a fair amount to the bottom line, and drastically reduces the customer base.
Most folks that get really rich, do so, by making acceptable-quality stuff, at a fairly low price, and selling lots of them.
Making top-Quality stuff can make you feel good (and maybe arrogant), but it won't make the kind of money that selling dross does.
I wish sites like this would develop a shorthand for things like the boot analogy and automatically replace the text with the shorthand. It's an interesting analogy the first time you hear it, but it's not as applicable to everything situation that people pretend that it is.
How do I know the $130 version is any better? Formally good brands have been cost cut to death and can be just as bad or worse as the cheap version. Only difference is the manufacturer collects a higher margin on the perceived product superiority.
There was a time where you knew a Craftsman tool was worth a premium price.
Resale value is probably a better metric, if it's $130 new and $100 second hand while the other one is $100 new and sub-$50 second hand that'll be a fairly good sign that it at least works.
It's still not 100% but it'd at least mean you're going to be out less money in the end if it's a dud for you.
I don't know why you got downvoted, but this is probably the ONLY one metrics that makes some sense.
I've once was looking for top-performance windows laptop. Bought a nice Asus ROG M16 for $2500. Expensive? Sure!
But they did cost-cutting, put a crappy wifi card from Media-Tech, which resulted in a daily BSOD. Bought Intel card for $25 instead to fix this issue.
And that's about everything. Take a $50k car and you'll find same cost cutting measures!
>Take a $50k car and you'll find same cost cutting measures!
My step mom bought an expensive Cadillac a few years ago when she retired, the electronically actuated glove box has never really worked well and eventually got to where it wouldn't open at all. The whole thing is a bunch of plastic parts that move together to release one side of the glove box and gravity is supposed make it slowly drop down, but the side that it releases is the far side from the motor that's actuating it, and due to slack in all the plastic parts it doesn't actuate enough to actually release it. It takes like an hour to tear it apart so that you can shave down the catch. Cadillac has had the car for months at a time to fix it and was unable to and also unable to get a new glove box assembly. One day me and my son tore it apart and just shaved the part down ourselves, something neither of the service notices for that common issue recommended.
Yep! Eventually you might just give up and pick a medium cost one that seems to be OK. Top quality products are like lottery nowadays.
I paid $100+ for a Logitech mouse and thought it is a good enough price, but it broke down in just a few months. Fortunately they gave me a second one, but I don't know how long it lives!
This gets so exaggerated online especially if you rely on reddit to figure out what to get they always recommend the one that is 10x as expensive and they insist cheaper things won't last or work but it almost never is my experience with the cheaper ones when I end up getting them. Maybe it starts out true but the cheaper ones eventually get good enough
It's the same with cell phones the claim is iPhone/pixel will last way longer than the cheap ones but i feel like this get less and less true, not that the quality is going down on the good ones but I know people who are on their 5th year of a $150 one and no problems
Usually of you sort by the price 10 products it is a safe bet to get third cheapest. Good enough.
Expands beyond that really, people assume they need more than they do.
A TV stuffed with features sounds great even if they'd prefer a TV that does the bare minimum but takes less than a minute to start up
An SUV because of the one time every year or two where they may need a bigger vehicle (and would be better off renting a van)
A smartphone they can't use with one hand that doesn't fit in their pocket
If only $130 thing is better made, not with better marketing!
You never know if more pricey thing is actually better and will last more. It can have a feeling to last more, but not the actual quality.
Nowadays almost everything is a crap with fake positive reviews.
but is that true? you're standing in target, looking at air fryers. they're all priced differently. how do you know which is the good one? is it really the more expensive one? highly doubt it. and it's the same almost with everything now. price carries a very low signal.
Honestly, I'd probably look at Wirecutter and Cooks Illustrated, both of which I have subscriptions to. I'm not going to trust them on every product I might buy but for something like air fryers they're probably not going to steer me too far wrong.
Specifically for kitchen items, America's Test Kitchen is hard to beat.
Agreed. Even if no site is perfect, some of them are a lot better than just picking what's most expensive or gives the best vibe for whatever reason.
Sometimes the $130 thing is not better.
Take barbecue gloves. Yes, you can buy all sorts of varieties. Pitt Boss, Crate and Barrel, and others sell gloves in the $30 range. These gloves have enough heat resistance that you can pull a steel handled pan right out of the oven.
Know what works even better and is more durable for half the cost? Welding gloves. You can buy gloves rated to over 1K Fahrenheit for less than $20. Now you've cut your cost but also have the added ability if you wish to rearrange burning coals BY HAND.
I think that one of the things we do in this consumerist society is to buy things that look good instead of things that are functional. You aren't going to find much tupperware in a professional kitchen. What you WILL find are Cambro containers, heating dishes, and a variety of generic food storage containers. They are cooking their food in heavy walled pots and stainless steel pans with metal implements. Most people could throw out about 80% of their cooking pots and pans and never miss any of them. At least baking vessels are far more task-dependent.
Is a Le Creuset dutch oven pretty? Sure. Is it functionally better than a generic cast iron dutch oven? No. And of the two, the cast iron dutch oven is the one where you can buy once and have your great-great grandkids fight about who gets to keep it, because the Le Creuset will almost certainly have developed defects in the ceramic by then. On the flip side, a $300 refurbished Vitamix will beat the pants off of any off-the-shelf blender and last longer, too. But then, that's a professional product.
Then explain luxury goods?
Because making things that work well is not what modern markets are optimizing for. They're efficiently pursuing other agendas because they can get away with making things that work sorta.
1. people lack good taste . (aka bad aesthetics)
2. it's easier to agree (follow consensus) than disagree
3. (corollary to #2) Products are "sticky" and good selling products tend to sell well, despite their faults.
PS can we please discourage windbags
Super enjoyed reading this post as usual.
I want to make a small leap. It takes extraordinary effort and resources to gather data, whether that's on your ETL SaaS, your health insurance, your congressional candidates' policies, or who's right about vaccines on Twitter. If "a market for lemons" is one "where information asymmetry means that buyers can't tell the difference between good products and 'lemons'", literally every market is a lemon market. Since we know the incentives there reward marketing over performance, we have to have some kind of countervailing force if we don't want that (I don't). Luu cites "unusually unresonable" people for companies here, in traditional markets those are regulators, on social media those are content moderators, in politics those are political parties and the press, etc.
Jump from here to wherever you want:
- unregulated markets quickly become back alleys stuffed with lemons
- (therefore) regulation greatly increases market efficiency
- competing definitions of "lemon" undermine the entire system
- regulator corruption is inevitable--successful systems account for this
- regulation does stack--intuitively one would think no one will buy "sure, the car regulators are corrupt, but the car regulator regulators are on the up and up, so it's fine", but synonyms for "car regulator regulators" include "FBI" and "journalists"
- if you wanted to succeed as a person of style over substance you have a strong incentive to assail the regulators
The most expensive thing in this work is human attention. Ie somebody has to give a shit so the thing works well.
Markets are only as efficient as their information is good. At this point, we should all have a very healthy appreciation for how warped the infosphere is for everyone, and that will of course have deep applications to the "efficiency" of the market.
Because it’s all made in china and the Chinese just copy crap and don’t work it. Such is the communist economy. Suck it, libs, that’s your utopia.
Because it's easy to lie about things that don't work well
half the time after we buy something, we're willing to lie about how well it works to ourselves
Can-openers. 99% of them are utter trash. The one that works is a copy of a 60 year old model.
Best can opener is the classic Danish style. No moving parts at all, basically indestructible.
> The one that works is a copy of a 60 year old model.
This, we were going through one every 6-months or so, I finally bought the swing-a-way clone, the ez-duz-it for like $30 thanks to the /r/buyitforlife sub-reddit and it's been going strong for several years now.
You are me.
no bugs or planned obsolescence --> "no business"
Generally speaking, if a corporation is controlled by the finance and sales people, instead of buy the engineering people, the products it makes will suffer from things like planned obsolescence. Monopolistic control of markets makes this worse, as there's little if any competition to turn to. Boeing is the poster child for this problem in the USA - Boeing relied on monopolistic control of the airplane market, and cut R & D to increase shareholder and executive profits, and was then blindsided by Airbus developments in fuel efficiency, and their response was to try to rush a low-cost development project with disastrous results.
Investment capitalism naturally gravitates towards such behavior; this is why the most disastrous thing SpaceX (compare to Boeing) could do is go public and let big shareholder conglomerates like Vanguard/Blackrock/StateStreet/FMR etc. control the makeup of the corporate board and thus, engineering decisions.
Will AI change this? If AI can assess who is good for us, then we can get somewhere
It will undoubtedly make it worse. Products don't work well because of the lack of understanding and time spent on the products. "AI" only widens the gap and increases lack of understanding.
It will make everything even more disposable than it is today. Products will be cheap and they will last a few months before breaking.
Two years ago, this comment would have asked whether Blockchain will change this.
I wonder what it'll say two years from now.
I mean, maybe? Why can’t you tell us? Any opinion on it?
Sorry about the metacommentary but it’s a bit tiring with every third thread having the same stock question: Is this made irrelevant by AI?/Does AI [magically] solve this problem?
They all at the same time strongly hint that yes, AI will <panacea>. But they still don’t take any stance or make any contribution themselves!